Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Add thumbnail pictures to Google searches

Add thumbnail pictures to Google searches

Use a free add-on for Google that shows miniature web pages alongside Google's summaries
Scott Colvey, Computeract!ve 18 Apr 2006

Google is great for searching the web – that's why nearly everybody uses it – but there's always room for improvement.

In this case it's a neat little add-on for Internet Explorer called Lost Goggles (users of the Firefox web browser need not apply). What it does is change the way Google searches are presented so that in addition to a list of all the pages found, you also see a thumbnail picture of each page.

Near each picture a tiny icon is displayed, and if you click on this the chosen page opens in a new window. Those who like to browse this way are saved the trouble of right-clicking and selecting the Open in New Window command, but for those who prefer to use one window at a time, Lost Goggles is worth installing for the thumbnails feature alone.

So, refer to the workshop in issue 215 of Computeractive and then transfer to the Lost Goggles download page.

read more | digg story

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