Friday, April 14, 2006

$25 Check + $20 Coupon, If you own a Qualifying Epson Printer

There is a class action lawsuit against Epson that was settled. If you purchased a qualifying Epson printer from April 8, 1999 to May 8, 2006 , you can register to receive a $45 ecoupon for Epson's estore. There is an alternative to receive a $25 check and $20 estore coupon but you must file the claim form.

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Force windows to load the kernel in memory(Windows XP tweak)

This is a very small tutorial, that will help you make your windows XP much faster, by loading the windows kernel in memory. This is a very effective tweak for windows XP.

Here is what you have to do :

1) Open the regedit tool (Start -> Run -> regedit.exe )

2) Use the navigation in the left and go to HKEY LOCAL MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory Management

3) Double click the DisablePagingExecutive attribute, and put 1 in the decimal value field
This will make the drivers and the XP kernel run in memory.

4) Double click the LargeSystemCache attribute, and put 1 in the decimal value field
This will improve performance of the kernel

5) Double click the IOPageLockLimit attribute. On some later versions of windows XP that doesn't exists, so if this is the case you're done Otherwise you have to put to the hex value : 4000 for pcs with 128 mb ram, 10000 for 256 mb ram and if you have more put 40000. This value specifies how many bytes can be used for I/O operations in your system.

That's it, enjoy

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Hacking the Mac OSX Login Window

Not only does this hack let you change the text of the login screen, but gives you a step-by-step to change the general appearance.

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